Reviews of Infraction
"Zipter approximates the simmering complexities of classic Russian novels, as well as the parallel storylines that Tolstoy, Pushkin and Dostoevsky are known for." ~ Victoria Brownworth, Philadelphia Gay News
"Infraction makes for fascinating historical fiction with an intriguing storyline played out through interesting and wholly absorbing characters." ~ Jerry L. Wheeler, Out in Print
Reviews of Kissing the Long Face of the Greyhound
"Zipter's strength in metaphor and simile remains strong throughout. She inhabits a world where 'Summer squats cool and dry as a toad,' and 'the heart is an octopus.' We are indeed lucky that she has chosen to share this world." ~ Nina Barrett, The Broadkill Review
"Humor, immense wit, and emotional truth saturates Zipter's verses." ~ Jim Piechota, Bay Area Reporter
"So much to love and sometimes to mourn in these poems. Blessed moments of wit and humor." ~ Kathleen Kirk, Escape into Life
"From nature, to love, to powerful human emotions, Zipter's poems find the beauty in everything." ~ Kelly Parrett, Key Reporter
"Zipter's larger themes echo in quiet ways across poems. Her poems sing with alliteration and enjambment to create haunting sound and imagery." ~ Grace Hendrickson, Harbor Review
"In this collection, body parts are anything and everything but what they seem." ~ Tiel Aisha Ansari, Compulsive Reader
"I found myself thinking of Sylvia Plath and Mary Oliver and how Zipter is, in her own way (and in my opinion), uniquely better than both." ~ Adele Kenny, Tiferet (print edition only; reprinted below)